Senin, 14 November 2011

Bukittinggi the "DreamLand"

Bukittinggi, located in West Sumatra, is a city that have many interesting place, such as Jam Gadang (Clock Tower), Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon), Lubang Japang (Japanese Caves), Jembatan Limpapeh (Limpapeh Bridge), Benteng Fort de Kock, and Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta (Bung Hatta birthplace).

Jam Gadang (Clock Tower) Bukittinggi

Jam Gadang is an icon of Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang has 26 metres of tall and the diametre of the clock is 80 cm. Jam Gadang is a Clock Tower that has built since 1926 by Dutch. The architect of Jam Gadang is Yazid Sutan Gigi Ameh. Jam Gadang Located in Sabai Nan Aluih Park in Pasar Atas (central of Bukittinggi). The unique things in this clock tower is number four on the clock. Usually, number four in romawi is "IV", but in Jam Gadang, is written "IIII".
The machine of clock tower in only 2 in this world, first in England (Big Ben), an the second is Jam Gadang in Bukittinggi.
The roof Jam Gadang has been renovated. In Dutch, the roof is round with a statue of a rooster on it. At the time of Japan's ruling, they replace the roof like the roof of the pagoda. Then, after independence was proclaimed, the roof was changed to four bergonjong like traditional Minangkabau roof and bamboo shoots motivated on it.
This park is always have many visitors on morning untill night. Many people play around in this park with their family or their friends.

Bukittinggi is very nice city to visit because it have many beautiful and historic tourism.
If you go to West Sumatera, don't forget to Visit Bukittinggi.
You will not regret when visiting Bukittinggi.
See you in Bukittinggi


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